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Built-in Data types

Basic types

boolBoolean values(true, false)
float64-bit floating point values
int64-bit signed integer values
stringArray of Unicode characters

Array types

Arrays are containers that hold values all of the same type.

a1 = [7,8,9]

The indexes of the array are all integers, from the front to the back to increase from 0, like 0, 1, 2, 3… From the back to the front, they are negative, and decreases from -1, like -1, -2, -3 …

v1 = a1[ 2 ]  # v1 will be 9
v2 = a1[ -1]  # v2 will also be 9

Dictionary type

Dictionaries are containers that associate keys of a given type with values of another type. They are can grow dynamically.

dic1 = {
	"filename": "car.png",
	"date": "Aug 23, 2020"
print filename of dic1  # will output "car.png"

Set type

Sets are containers that only store the unique values they have seen. They are can grow dynamically.

s1 = set of [ 1, 2, 2, 3]  # s1 will be [1,2,3] because duplicate elements will be ignored

Domain specific types

  • Image
filenamestringfilename of the image
datedatetimecreate date of the image
tagstringtag of the image
 other attributes defined by users
  • DetectedObject
labelstringname of the detected object
polygonsarray of locationsthe boundary of the detected object
model_usedstringthe model used to detect the object
superclassstringthe superior category of the detected object
countintthe number of detected objects in the image