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Basic Pipelne

For some research questions, we can subdivide each research question into small steps to solve it like a pipeline. In order to reduce intermediate calculations, we use keyword pipeline and symbol |> to abstract this process. A basic pipeline is as follows:

    open "/paht/to/images" |> select smiles, persons |>
    draw scatter_plot with { 
        title:  "The relationship between the persons and smiles.",
        x_axis: persons,
        y_axis: smiles

Advanced Pipeline

For some complex research questions, we have a variety of tasks to deal with, but they are not related to each other, they can be processed in parallel. For such a pipeline containing multiple parallelizable processing tasks, we call it Advanced Pipelines.

We use keyword stage to tag each task with a name. The result of each stage will be temporarily saved and can be used as the input of other tasks. For example:

    stage s1
        open "/paht/to/images1" |> select smiles

    stage s2
        open "/paht/to/images2" |> select persons
    s1, s2 |>
        draw scatter_plot with { 
            title:  "The relationship between the persons and smiles.",
            x_axis: persons,
            y_axis: smiles